Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Improving the Learning Environment

Today’s lesson was about how we can modify the learning environment. From the photographs shown by Dr Quek, we realise that learning environment can also be affected by factors like the position of the projector’s screen. These are some things which we often overlook because usually we are not consulted on where such things have to be installed. We simply use it because when we are given a class, the screen has been pre-installed.

I learnt that a simplified process of assessing the Learning Environment is first to administer the ‘preferred survey’. Then the ‘actual’ survey would be conducted usually after 1 month for a small sample group. A bigger sample group would require a longer period before the ‘actual’ survey is administered, usually around 3 to 6 months. This is usually followed by an intervention by the teacher to work on the gaps discovered after analysing the survey. However, if no improvements were made after the intervention process, teachers should consider getting assistance from external agencies.

Personally, feel that not all teachers are ready to assess their learning environment especially to the extent of engaging external agencies. We are usually quite contented in the ways things re going in the class. Our focus is usually academic assessments and behavioural management / pastoral care. This module has enlightened me on a wider range of aspects on how we should view our class and even education in general. It would be good if teachers can find the opportunity to immerse themselves into a reflective mode where we can explore ways not only to improve academic grades and complete syllabus requirements but also in how our teaching can be more effective. Learning environment would then surely be one aspect to work on.

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